Well, to start the day off, Gabe woke me up and I let him open a gift-DJ from the Cars movie-you know, the blue one that plays the music that puts Mack to sleep and makes him go off of the road...It's basically the only one he didn't have. He was pretty psyched.
I then decided that the cat box was long overdue for a change and I might as well change it b/c the trash needs taken out, too. So, needless to say, by the time I was done with everything, I had three trash bags to take out. Yay. I stuffed the car with everything that we needed to take to "Ganny's" and we were off. I bought a carwash last night, but the line was outrageous, so I thought, "What the heck...there's a chance that it might be open on Christmas at 8:30am and what'd ya know....IT WAS OPEN! I was pretty proud of myself that I didn't even wait in line! Weather-wise, it was supposed to be a high of like 34 and it got up to 51 and sunny! Beautiful! Unfortunately, my clean car didn't like the wet roads and now is no longer clean, but a LOT better than it was (I couldn't even tell my lights were on at night!). And one last thing to add about this morning...how can McDonald's NOT be open? Just b/c it's Christmas doesn't mean people don't eat breakfast! To McDonald's: "I'm NOT lovin' it!"
So, I took as many pics as I could of Gabe opening his gifts...

Look at this HUGE stocking Bob got for him!

Gabe made out pretty good this Christmas. Way too much stuff-he got a TV interactive bike, train table, Cars play rug, Hot Wheels crash track, and much more. Thank goodness not all that stuff is going home with us (the advantage of having Grandma live close)!
Also, the other day, Gabe and I dug into the fingerpaints. Dad and Deb sent him this stuff a long time ago and we FINALLY put them to use (sorry it took so long Dad and Deb!). Here are the pics of how much fun we had!

And as far as cute pics go, I took this one of Gabe sleeping the other night...

And this one of Sampson today...(click on it and look at his tongue)

Hope that everyone had a great Chrismas...and that everyone cold be here so we could go out for a family dinner on my birthday :( Love you!
Happy, happy birthday baby...as the song goes.
Nice to hear you had a great Christmas..your Grammie is really off the ball this year..thought I had sent your cards already, but found them yesterday nder everything, so they will be in the mail soon. I have a foster teenager whos birthday is today, also, and I am and have been too sick to even acknowledge it today for her,,,bad cold and high temp...going for a echocardiogram this afternoon on my heart..maybe the doc will give me something to get better soon.
Anyway..you and Gabe are and have been in my thoughts a lot the past few days. I love you both lots and lots...Grammie
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