Saturday, January 5, 2008

Yes, I am still alive!!!

Well, you know it is hard to post all the time when I don't have the internet. I have to take my chances at work or take some of my "ME" time and go to my mom's. But, anyways...

Not too much to write about in my world. I had a pretty good New Year's. I was up for 26 hours straight-that alone will make you feel intoxicated! I plan to not do that again! Umm...Gabe is growing everyday and gets funnier by the minute, literally. My job is driving me crazy b/c I have a strong dislike for my direct supervisor. But, that's a long story. The weather has been ok lately. COLD. I am waiting for it to heat up and melt all the ice that we have had everywhere for weeks. At my apartment, the space between the cars is filled with ice. It is very scary when you have a little one and heels on! So, I hope that it melts or that someone does something about it (not to mention the fire extinguishers that haven't be checked since 2001). I hope all is good for everyone and that we all stick to our New Year's resolutions! (Note to self: What is my resolution?) XOXOXOXO

1 comment:

Jacque said...

Right~~~ Our internet didn't work for say 15 hours, and really you'd a thought the world was ending here...