Friday, November 30, 2007

TGIF!!! :)

I am so happy it's finally Friday! What a long week. I had so much going on this week that I have gotten behind in my regular duties. Last night, I FINALLY put away the clean laundry that was washed last weekend. The garbage needs taken out and the litter box changed. We ALL know what this feels like! A lot of people may dread going home, knowing that they have to clean, but I like it. I am excited to do the much needed vacuuming. You're probably thinking, "Please come to my house!!!!" And I am sure that I would if I was near! LOL.

After I clean up a bit, I think I may download some pictures off my camera into a slideshow, that is if I can figure it out (If not, I am sure someone will get my phone call!). How long is that supposed to take and how many pics can I put in the slideshow? I still don't know how to get the music on here, either. Yeah, maybe I should call for help!

I have to work tomorrow, too. I signed up for some much needed overtime. I am kind of dreading it, though. Not just because it is the 7am-4pm shift, but b/c we are supposed to have ice and almost a foot of snow tomorrow, starting in the morning. So, we will see how that goes.

On the other hand, Christmas is coming up soon. I REALLY wish I could be there! I am sending Christmas cards this year! YAY! So look forward to those.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

What the #$%*&....How Does This Blog Thing Work?

Ok. I am having a little problem. I am having a difficult time getting my blog set up the way I want it. (Note to self: take computer class) I am looking at everyone's blog and I'm noticing things that I would like to include on mine. But, when I go to add it, I can't get it to show up how I'd like. If only Mr. Computerman (my dad) was here....anyways, I guess it is a learning experience and before I know it, I will be a blog pro! LOL.

I am so excited that Shana has a blog now, too! YAY! So, when she doesn't answer her phone, I can just leave her a message on her blog! Oh, and yes I was ecstatic to see some of the honeymoon pics! BEAUTIFUL! And yes, I did show the guy that sits behind me at work....

Cassie: Look at my sister!

Rob: She's pretty.

Cassie: Do we look alike?

Rob: Yes, but your face is longer.

Cassie: Look....Shana's trying to find seashells (bikini pic)

Don't be self-conscious, Shana! You're gorgeous!

So, if anyone has pointers as to how this thing works, please leave a comment.

P.S. Shana, how do you put links to other pages w/o showing the whole address?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Have My Own Blog!!!

So, today, I made my own blog! I thought everyone else's looked so fun and I decided I wanted to be a part of the blogging scene, too. So, ummm.....I think I may have my first ear infection since who-knows-when. It all started out as one tonsil being sore on Thanksgiving. Then I got the sniffles. After that, the other tonsil became sore and now both my tonsils are painful and itchy and my ears are itchy, too. So, I went to the Dr. yesterday for an unrelated issue and now I have to go back tomorrow. Uggghhhh...and I wonder why the PTO never adds up to much. LOL.